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We believe you have to address 3 things simultaneously


  • Which impact stage are you are currently at? Which stage do you want to get to which will continue to optimize impact and income on your terms (Six Career Strategies)

  • How quickly do you want to get there? How quickly will you need to get there based on your view on the speed and nature of system breakdown. Is it a 1 or 2 step process?

  • Which industries, ownership and business models, products and services will you target within that impact stage?

  • What role will you play? What problem are you going to solve that a Stage 4 impact business for example, hasn’t yet considered based on your theory of breakdown? OR What business model will you scale that the Stage 4 businesses hasn’t committed to?

  • Will you do that as an employee, advisor, investor or all three?

  • What income do you need to earn on that journey?


  1. Assess where your personal brand is now via SDP bespoke Brand Assessment Tool.

  2. Realign your brand to align with what role you want to do next, where in the system.


However, it’s slightly more complicated than that for most people I work with. Whilst 20% of the people I work with simply need to reimagine their brand to be at the forefront of where the market is in relation to decoupling extraction and exclusion from growth, which is relatively straight forward. 80% of the people I work with are already at the forefront of market or system and are increasingly underwhelmed by its definition of impact, the speed it looks to travel and the role it wants them to play.


Building brand collateral ahead of the system


  • Aim to create a personal brand that thrives whether the global economy is in growth, degrowth by design, or degrowth by destruction.

  • Learn how to create brand collateral that builds both demand for the problem and the solutions.

  • Details those problems and solutions, in a way that enables you to embed both role profiles we should be creating and key experiences we should be looking for.

  • Whilst subtly critiquing the more linear, innovation led solutions and experience set your target audience might typically look for, which won’t change anything.

  • Create a personal brand which is part of a movement, not one that isolates you, self-promotes or belittles the growth system.

  • Create brand collateral that those influencers and decision makers who need to take credit can adapt, adopt and amplify.


You have built your reimagined brand in the right way, as part of a wider movement. Co-creating both the problem and the solutions. Creating brand collateral that those influencers and decision makers who need to take credit can adapt, adopt and amplify as their own.

Solutions that are credible in growth, degrowth by destruction and degrowth by design situations.

You have done the hard bit because your network is already transforming as other influencers are drawn to the movement. Decision makers desperate for road maps that could work when our economy is in growth but also degrowth by destruction (stagflation) or design.


You now need to do 2 things:


  • Complete an analysis of your current network, is your current network capable of amplifying your vision to the right people, in the right way. Who in your network are:

    • Red – Wrong Message/Wrong Stage

    • Amber – Wrong Message/Right Stage or Right Message/Wrong Stage

    • Green – Right Message/Right Stage

  • Accelerate your network realignment, start to build a target framework balanced across the ecosystem of the type of key Green influencers you would like to align around your vision and solutions.

  • Discuss different ways to share your brand collateral. Co-creation to build a mini movement.

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